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Expansion of 72-hour Transit Visa Exemption for Foreign Nationals

2013-12-01 05:44
 1,72-hour transit visa exemption countries expand from 45 to 51.
Travelers from the 51 countries may apply for the 72-hour transit visa exemption, which are:
1) 24 Schengen countries in Europe: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherland, Poland, Portugal, Slovak, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.
2) 13 other European countries: Russia, Great Britain, Ireland, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, and Albania.
3) 6 American countries: The United States, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and Chile.
4) 2 Oceanian countries: Australia and New Zealand.
5) 6 Asian countries: Republic of Korea, Japan, Singapore, Brunei, United Arab Emirates, and Qatar.
2, 72-hour transit visa exemption cities expand, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chengdu.
Transit passengers from the Capital Airport of Beijing, Pudong or Hongqiao Airports of Shanghai, Baiyun Airport of Guangzhou, and Shuangliu Airport of Chengdu for a third country (region) may apply 72-hour transit visa exemption.  
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